Invest in School Readiness
Invest in School Readiness
Join a mission-driven organization that is committed to helping families, children, educational institutions, and communities to teach literacy skills to our most vulnerable populations in early learning education: preschoolers, children with learning disabilities, children in military families, and children in institutions such as group homes to transfer school readiness skills to emergent learners, as they prepare to enter K-5th grade. We are here to increase positive educational outcomes for children who need deeper learning, more specificity, and more time. We want to prepare parents to be their child's first teacher: preschoolers and K-5th grade teaching essential literacy skills needed for learning in school and beyond. Education is Everything Services, values our employees and clients and encourage everyone to reach their full potentials. All employees will have passed background screenings on file.
Students and their families have improved learning outcomes when the infusion of cultural responsive teaching (CRT) is meaningful and impactful. Research showed school readiness when there are high to medium involvement from parents/guardians in the home, children experience higher academic achievement.
Our Mission Statement- To remove barriers that prevents students from achieving proficiency in literacy skills that leads to successful education, employment, and entrepreneurial careers.
The objective will be to cultivate relationships with parents and children in their environment and provide more individualized time to maximize learning and to increase self-esteem that will guide preschoolers through 5th grade to be school readiness in proficient literacy skills.
Our Leadership
The non-profit organization is led by an accomplished trusted leader and longtime member of Hillsborough County, Dr. Saba Baptiste, Chief Executive of Strategy and founder. Dr. Baptiste continues to assist thousands of children, teens, and adults in collaboration with educational institutions and other family agencies that work to improve the quality of life for Black Americans and other minorities in the disadvantaged communities. Over the last 17 years, Dr. Baptiste have done many extraordinary undertakings on behalf of Hillsborough County. We will mention a few that positively impacted many families with children in the public school system.
Dr. Baptiste co-facilitated very successful Even Start programs throughout Hillsborough County that was designed for parents to pursue their education and their preschoolers in school next door preparing for kindergarten. Dr. Baptiste, masterfully designed and achieved 90% success in guiding and motivating over 640 adult education students, ages 18 to 54 in obtaining their GED, high school diplomas, and enrolled in postsecondary education. In 2014, Dr. Baptiste contributed to the betterment of all children and their families as she worked tirelessly with other community members to improve and change HCPS Student Handbook to be less punitive, to decrease out of school suspensions, and to eliminate school to prison pipeline.
In 2013,after three years of being charged as the facilitator and co-designer of the African and African American Studies curriculum in pursuit of exemplary status. The exemplary status of the African and African American curriculum was achieved, 2016.
Dr. Baptiste is a proven expert in urban and organizational leadership for adult workforce in diversity and inclusion, and continues to improve economic outcomes for children and families as they pursue marketable skills in disruptive tech-spaces and postsecondary education. Dr. Baptiste commences Education is Everything Services along with many experienced professionals in literacy training: early learning education, computational thinking skills- coding, integration of technology skills, math skills, reading, social and character-building skills to improve the overall outcome of students who are preparing to enter public and private schools and beyond.
Dr. Baptiste designed and published high school curriculum, UJIMA Academy for Academics and Public Service, 2011. Designed and published English Speakers of Other Language (ESOL) Guide for State of Florida, 2009-2012. Designed and published Flash Cards for the New Naturalization Test, 2009-2014. Co-designed the school curriculum, The Peace Academy -HCPS, 2009. Designed best practice manual for teaching computer science, 2019.
Education is Everything Services focus on strengthening achievements for learners in education. What closing the achievement gap looks like? Children need to be engaged early and with continuity before the first day of school. Front-end preventive measures will save taxpayers billions of dollars in the future. We must be innovative and intentional in creating a learning environment that promotes continuity and competency over a one or two year period for early learners to become school-ready. In 2019, the Florida governor reported that over 42% of kindergarteners scored below 60, which is the minimum needed to pass the kindergarten assessment. Although there are many preschools; however, it is not compulsory education. In the state of Florida education is not compulsory until a child turns six years old. The traditional early learning centers do not fit every learner style, and the school culture may not be conducive to every learner. In September 2020, the sheriff and state attorney reported on out-of-school suspensions 59.9% Black Americans, 24% Whites, and 16% Hispanics. Hillsborough County Public Schools enrollment of Blacks 21%, Whites 36%, and Hispanics 36%, respectively. Black Americans are severely overly burdened with out -of- school suspensions, and there is no evidence that they are committing any more infractions than any other groups mentioned. The out of school suspensions for Black American males starts before kindergarten; it starts in preschools throughout Hillsborough County. What these out-of-school suspensions do for Black Americans, especially, males ensures they are receiving fewer hours to become school ready and to perform well on the kindergarten assessment. Students receive fewer hours to learn literacy and social-emotional skills that contributes to the school widening achievement gaps and ensure students will most likely struggle their entire educational career. The systemic cycle is repeated over and over again to many Black American students, children with disabilities, and disadvantaged children.
It is understandably, historically, Black Americans as a group in public schools are not valued equally compared to there White peers, and because of that, the ever-growing separate and unequal remains in place for over 60 years.